This week Moxi attended the online Teacher Recruitment and Retention Conference, organised by Government Events.

Following hot on the heels of some rather disturbing data released last week by the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) the event was well-timed, and we had the opportunity to hear more from leaders within education about the changes and challenges faced by our industry.

Together, we looked at current educational trends; from people coming through their Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and drop-off rates, to vacancies currently existing within the sector.

Beyond all the alarming headlines and statistics published by the NFER, the speakers at the Teacher Recruitment and Retention Conference – which included Joana Cardim Dias, Senior Lecturer at the Educational Policy Institute, and Jack Worth, the NFER’s Lead Economist – delivered a detailed insight into how obstacles/barriers can be overcome, by being agile and adaptable – values we share here at Moxi Recruitment.

Similarly, the leaders in attendance were both courageous and confident in their ideas; from the development of pathways and routes to progression, through to effective staff collaboration to overcome barriers to accessing high quality training and qualifications. Supporting staff from a health and well being perspective was also a key theme underpinning the sessions.

By creating innovative solutions to the problems the industry is currently facing, some education provisions are already feeling the impact; specifically a reduction in leavers and being able to fully understand the reasons staff leave in the first place.

There is no silver bullet; no quick fix. We need strong leaders and advocates within the industry to come together over the long term, sharing their bold ideas and being prepared to try new ideas, as pilots, in their workplace.

With that in mind, we are keen to work in collaboration with leaders, here at Moxi Recruitment, to share those ideas and make recommendations which will help to overcome barriers, identify solutions and develop long-term relationships to ensure we can address the challenges faced by your school/organisation.

We can offer first-class training to new and existing staff, introduce your school /organisation to those who are actively seeking work and support you throughout the entire recruitment process.

Call us today on 0300 303 4414 for more information, or email Anne directly:

Moxi Recruitment – Making Waves in Education