Here at Moxi Recruitment, we are proud to be members of the REC (Recruitment and Employment Confederation) – led by Chief Executive Neil Carberry – and pleased to attend its annual conference on Thursday 6th July.
Being a REC member means we are working as part of a collective to build and maintain quality recruitment and staffing services to our wide and varied client base, including schools and educational organisations throughout the North West of England… and beyond!
As an organisation, Moxi Recruitment is passionate about establishing and maintaining the highest standards of ethical leadership, and this unstinting approach to excellence is reflected in our membership of the REC, and enhanced by industry leaders we admire and respect.
During the conference, we heard from a range of guest speakers, including leaders from recruitment companies, large organisations, Government representatives and other industry specialists covering topics that are presently affecting recruitment and staffing services across all industries, including education. It’s no secret that, across all sectors, there are significant challenges currently when seeking to attract high quality candidates and, most importantly, retain that talent.
Topics discussed on the day included:
– talent attraction and retention, including salary and benefits, flexible working, job culture, training and development.
– advances in digital technology, including AI & HR technology.
– equality, diversity and inclusion.
– potential changes arising from likely changes to the political landscape.
One of my personal highlights was hearing from Nisha Katona, CEO and Executive Chef at Mowgli Street Food which has 17 restaurants throughout the UK, including one in Manchester’s historic Corn Exchange.
Anybody who knows me, knows that I am passionate about Indian food in general, and a huge Mowgli fan in particular! Learning more about Nisha’s story, and Mowgli’s timeline to date, was fascinating with many elements of it really resonating with me and – although rooted in a totally different industry – chiming with what we’re trying to achieve with Moxi Recruitment.
Making a career change; that gut feeling for an idea that just won’t go away; the way in which staff are so highly valued, along with the drive and determination for Mowgli to succeed and grow in the midst of such a challenging time for the hospitality sector.
All in all, it was a great day with lots of points to think about and work on, whilst recognising and reflecting on the great work we’re already doing.
How is Moxi making waves in education recruitment?
– working in collaboration and partnership with our clients to:
- truly understand your hiring needs and workforce planning
- provide training and support to new and existing staff, tailored specifically to the needs of the individual
- share best practice across the industry.
– breaking down barriers for people who want to work in education, but who feel they may not have the right experience or training.
– investing in technologies that make the recruitment process as simple and effective as possible.
– continue our own personal professional development, ensuring we can support our clients and candidates.
For more information about Moxi Recruitment and our extensive range of services, call me today on 0300 303 4414, or send an email to